In a typical year, Single Volunteers of Greater Denver anticipate providing help at more than 60 volunteer events, for over 30 different non-profit agencies. Organizations we have helped recently include, Delores Project Women’s Safehouse, Denver Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Jeffco Action Center, Mt. Evans Hospice, Boys Hope/Girls Hope, Victory for Veterans, Denver Botanic Gardens, Bridges of Hope, American Transplant Foundation, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Cherry Creek Sneak, Cherry Creek Arts Festival, PrideFest, Bayaud Enterprises, Warren Village, Cafe 180, The Crossing Homeless Shelter, Colorado Trout Unlimited, Denver Dumb Friends League, Boulder Humane Society, Bella Boutique and many others.
Our group has experience performing all different kinds of activities: doing office work, staffing fund raisers, helping run auctions, assisting with children’s games, preparing meals, answering phones, stuffing envelopes, doing yard work, painting, doing light repair work, sorting food items, helping at elderly events, etc.
Request Volunteers
If you are a nonprofit organization in the Greater Denver, CO area looking for volunteers, we are here to help. We prefer to work in groups of six to twenty people. This is especially important to us, because working together allows our single volunteers to interact with one another.
To qualify, you must be able to answer “YES” to all the following questions:
- Is this a nonprofit organization?
- Does your project require 6 to 20 volunteers?
- Is your project acceptable for both men and women?
- Will the SVGD volunteer participants be able to be in close proximity with one another while participating in the project, thus enabling them to socialize while helping others?
- Is the event located in the Greater Denver, CO area?
- Is this a one-time project?
- Does your organization have liability insurance that covers SVGD volunteers?